Managerial, Leadership, and Hiring Roles that Take Place within a Company
Human resource managers have various roles to play in an organization. They have managerial roles, leadership roles, as well as hiring roles. In administrative roles, human resource managers participate in planning. Planning helps in obtaining information in terms of organizational needs for it to achieve the major objectives. Human resource managers participate in the process of planning, where they collect information based on the current and future needs of the organization in terms of employee needs. Organizing is the second role of a human resource manager under managerial roles. The HR organizes the tasks that each of the employees will do. The HR allocates the jobs and tasks based on the skills of the employee, and all the activities are aimed at achieving the organizational objectives.
The human resource manager participates in directing as a managerial role. In directing, the manager finds ways to activate employees at all levels to make them increase their productivity. The major focus in directing is to maximally ta employee potential by continually motivating the employee. Once planning, organizing, and directing are accomplished, the human resource now engages in controlling. In this role, the HR checks on the goals of the organization against the current performance. If there is a deviation from the expected performance, the manager initiates control measures to bring performance to its expected standards.
Hiring Roles
Human resource management function handles the roles of hiring. There are many issues involved in the processes of hiring. Hiring is the process which the human resource management uses to bring individuals with better skills and experience to an organization to help the organization realize its goals. From the many individuals who apply for the jobs, the management has the role of selecting the most suitable candidate. The human resource management function helps its employees to train and acquire better skills and knowledge to facilitate efficiency and effectiveness in job performance. Training employees also makes them ready to take up more challenging tasks or higher responsibilities.
The human resource management function assesses and determines the level of remuneration of its employees. It also determines any other form of payment that an employee is likely to receive, such as salaries, incentives, bonuses, benefits, and rewards, among others.
Difficulties HR managers face in the hiring process
All HR professionals experience challenges in the hiring process, either in the process of handling new and potential employees or dealing with employees during the hiring process. Attracting the right employees is one of the major challenges that HR experience (Stone, 2013). Recruiters keep contacting good employees from time to time, and those candidates who have skills that are difficult to get have many jobs offer at hand and may require a high pay. The following are the difficulties that HR professionals face during the hiring process.