Proposal for New Sport Facility

There is evidence of increased pressure in the available community sporting facilities. Arguably, this is because of positive trajectories in economic growth, which increases the demand for recreational activities. Therefore, this proposal includes the construction of a new sporting facility, which will include;

  1. An outdoor swimming pool and gymnasium
  2. Basketball and volleyball courts
  3. A multi-purpose recreation hall
  4. A changing room and ancillary area

This proposal is presented to the state’s departments of public work and Sports Diplomacy – Educational and Cultural Affairs, in acknowledgment of government support and funding for community recreation programs.

The private sector is ideal for running the community recreation facility effectively. Privately run community facilities are open to some members of a community. According to Whisenant (2014), such facilities are accessed through a payable membership and benefits only those who pay to use. Nevertheless, private owners or better-called corporates seek to increase their profits from the facility. They perfect their function-structure to ensure products offered to suit their customers’ demands. Also, privately-run enterprises are seldom affected by political pressure. Management is mostly selected on meritocracy to avoid business failure. In that, the government loses control of the facility and its revenues since it is privately owned—also, members of the public who cannot afford it to miss its benefits. However, the government does not utterly lose from the facility since they pay taxes (Arrow & Lind, 1970). Also, the community benefits from advantages that are associated with infrastructural development.

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Arrow, K. J., & Lind, R. C. (1970). Uncertainty and the Evaluation of Public Investment Decisions. The American Economic Review, 364-378.

Whisenant, W. (2014). Organization and Administration in Sport Programs. Florida: The University of Miami.