leadership development

I chose to write about leadership development in this discussion. From a social psychological approach, leadership development concerns equipping leaders with skills to influence and harness their followers’ contribution to achieving specific goals. The process has many components: learning to delegate effectively, goal setting, time management, and improving soft interpersonal skills such as communication and conflict resolution. Leadership development produces high-caliber leaders in organizations, and has many benefits, especially those related to organizational behavior. 

Leadership development ensures that leaders enhance their soft skills and abilities. For instance, Virtual Reality is used in some organizations to improve cognition and decision-making skills for their leaders (Meister, 2021). Besides, Griffin & Dimond (2020) state that interns should be exposed to leadership development programs that improve their soft skills and, importantly, emotional intelligence.

Such leaders have ideal leadership behaviors which optimize an organization’s culture, job satisfaction, employee engagement, and productivity. They can adjust their leadership behavior appropriately to accomplish the organization’s goals (Tsai, 2011). Tsai’s study also concludes that employees are more satisfied when organizational processes are running effectively to meet goals (Tsai, 2011). Employees in such satisfactory work environments become highly engaged, which improves their organization citizen behavior (Wahyu Ariani, 2013). An additional benefit for such case scenarios is that employees tend to remain in the organization, reducing the rate of quits and recruitment costs.

Overall, leadership development is proportional to business performance. When a business has leaders who continuously enhance their soft skills and emotional intelligence, its employees are satisfied, engaged, and are unlikely to quit. Their productivity increases and the cost of recruitment is reduced. These benefits suggest that leadership development is a critical consideration in business administration as a mechanism to improve organizational behavior.


Griffin, M., & Dimond, A. (2020). Help interns grow their emotional intelligence. Retrieved 12 March 2021, from https://www.journalofaccountancy.com/issues/2020/dec/help-interns-grow-emotional-intelligence.html

Meister, J. (2021). How Companies Are Using VR to Develop Employees’ Soft Skills. Retrieved 12 March 2021, from https://hbr.org/2021/01/how-companies-are-using-vr-to-develop-employees-soft-skills#:~:text=A%202020%20PwC%20study%20suggested,large%20part%20because%20the%20immersive

Tsai, Y. (2011). Relationship between Organizational Culture, Leadership Behavior and Job Satisfaction. BMC Health Services Research11(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/1472-6963-11-98

Wahyu Ariani, D. (2013). The Relationship between Employee Engagement, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, and Counterproductive Work Behavior. International Journal Of Business Administration4(2). https://doi.org/10.5430/ijba.v4n2p46