History Assignment

The scientific revolution represents a period of historical significance. Innovation occurred rapidly, affecting science, literature, technology, and philosophy. It marks a historical change between the 15th and 17th centuries, awakening Europe from the dark ages (Hatch, n.d.). The scientific revolution was a period of intellectual excellence characterized by the emergence of modern science, which transformed how society viewed many things in the world.

The industrial revolution opened doors for modern science. It led to the development of several modern sciences such as mathematics, biology, physic, and astronomy to ease scientific research (Hatch, n.d.). In the early ages, people did not question many concepts introduced by the Greeks and the Romans, who viewed science as an error and depended on traditional medicine for treatment (Nguyen, 2017). They argued that the imbalance of basic substances caused illnesses, and people believed (Nguyen, 2017). With the emergence of science, a new understanding was fueled, and people began to view the world differently. The introduction of science challenged this thinking, and new treatment measures were introduced. For example, science generated vaccines to eradicate diseases that initially led to death, such as polio, and saved many lives (Nishi & Chmiola, 2017). Besides, antiretroviral treatments have been introduced to extend the lives of people living with diseases such as HIV  and AIDs (Nishi & Chmiola, 2017). Overall, modern science has improved people’s lives enabling them to live longer.


Why Was Western Civilization Good, Although It Had Some Bad

  Although Western civilization had some bad, it contributed greatly to the history of the world, making life better. Western civilization was characterized by new art, literature, and culture that developed from the eastern Mediterranean throughout the middle ages and took a modern shape after the renaissance (Arowolo, 2010). It had a significant impact on the world, affecting various domains of life. Firstly, it led to the introduction of liberal democracy. A liberal democracy calls for public involvement in various economic processes regardless of race, gender, religion, or sex. Western Civilization introduced liberal democracy in Africa, enabling people to be involved in various political affairs that they were denied (Arowolo, 2010). With a liberal democracy in Africa, discrimination against specific individuals was reduced, and basic human rights such as freedom of speech and the right to security were introduced to all people regardless of religion, race, or sex. Exercises such as elections became fair as liberal democracy advocated for the participation of all people. For example,  Nigeria adopted an open-secret voting system that was very successful and replaced the traditional method of voting that was unfair  (Arowolo, 2010). Therefore western civilization impacted society politically through liberal democracy.

Western civilization also led to the introduction of Western technology, impacting areas such as communication and transport, leading to an improved life. With the introduction of technology, people began to appreciate computers and other technologies to improve their lifestyles. In education, computers improved enabled people to take online courses and learn virtually. In organizations, computers assisted in storing large data, unlike manual systems, which consumed much time and even lost some data. In the transport fields, technology through computers led to the introduction of automatic cars, which are efficient and easy to operate. Besides computers, westernization led to the development of television, cinemas, and the internet, enabling communication and sharing of information globally. Therefore, through western civilization, technology evolved the power of man and made life more efficient.

Additionally, western civilization led to the improvement of health care. Westernization led to the modernization of various medical practices, leading to improved health care services. Before introducing Western medicine in Africa, traditional medicine was recommended and highly used by millions of people in rural and urban areas to treat various diseases (Abdullahi, 2011). However, the arrival of European created a turning point in the use of traditional medicine. They introduced tropical medicine, which was much more efficient than traditional medicine. For example, they introduced quinine drugs to curb the spread of malaria in the world-saving many lives (Abdullahi, 2011). This minimized the use of traditional medicine, and even in some countries like South Africa, traditional medicine was banned and minimized the belief that diseases and illnesses were associated with witchcraft (Abdullahi, 2011). As the medicines continued to be accepted in Africa, research on the traditional herbs increased. As Africans embraced medicines, more prevention and treatment procedures were introduced, saving more African lives.

Western Civilization led to efficient methods of producing goods and services, improving people’s lives. Westernization led to a rapid shift to machine manufacturing methods, changing how work and production of goods were performed in industries (Arowolo, 2010). Factories and industries adopted machines and produced various goods faster and cheaper than before introducing machines. As the supply of various commodities such as shoes and clothing rose, they became less expensive. Foreign markets were established to cater to the surplus goods produced in various African countries, and the balance of trade favored the producers. Companies and individuals responsible for production became wealthier, improving their living standards.

Gunpowder and Age of Discovery in Western Civilization

 Gunpowder was more successful in Western Civilization than in the old civilization of China, despite China having a monopoly on Gunpowder. Firstly, the emergence of holy wars crusades made the Europeans interact closely with the East technologies and realize the benefits of these technologies (Whipps, 2008). With the emergence of holy wars in which Christian Europe fought to own the holy lands of the East, Europeans interacted with the Gunpowder and used it to reclaim the land of the East (Whipps, 2008). Unlike in China, the Gunpowder changed European’s military life from using cavalry arms such as cannons to using field artillery, which made them succeed in wars.

Besides, the Gunpowder was more successful in Western Civilization because it helped the European realize that the Gunpowder could be used for other purposes. The  European realized that it could be useful in other technological advancements, such as Steam engine development (Whipps, 2008). The Europeans concentrated on making more development and realized how it could be powerful in the development of modern science. The Chinese mainly used it in war, but the European realized its usefulness in the modern eras besides being effective in wars. It could be used as an explosive in quarries and road construction.

Europeans realized that Gunpowder was effective in wars. They realized the military potential of Gunpowder. It made wars easy as they changed how battles were fought throughout the middle east (Whipps, 2008). Initially, the Europeans used cannons designed based on Chinese technology. They realized that they were not accurate and powerful as the Gunpowder. Therefore, they were attracted by the Gunpowder and developed more portable handguns that a single soldier could operate. Gunpowder affected how battles were fought by the Europeans and made them more powerful than before.

The Age of Discover was also more successful in Western Civilization than in other civilizations because the Europeans were more interested in mapping the world to realize new treasures. The Europeans were determined to explore the world, discover gold and trade routes, and spread Christianity (Khan Academy, n.d.). Throughout the exploration expeditions, the Europeans were determined to spread Christianity worldwide (Khan Academy, n.d.). Besides, they were also searching for gold and optimal trade routes leading to the Lucrative Asian and African markets acquiring power and wealth after controlling trade. This determination made them more successful than other groups like the Chinese.


Abdullahi, A. (2011). Trends and Challenges of Traditional Medicine in Africa. African Journal Of Traditional, Complementary And Alternative Medicines8(5S). https://doi.org/10.4314/ajtcam.v8i5s.5

Arowolo, D. (2010). The Effects of Western Civilisation and Culture on Africa. Afro Asian Journal Of Social Sciences1(1). Retrieved 20 May 2022

Hatch, R. The Scientific Revolution – Definition – Concept – History. Users.clas.ufl.edu. Retrieved 20 May 2022, from http://users.clas.ufl.edu/ufhatch/pages/03-sci-rev/sci-rev-teaching/03sr-definition-concept.htm.

Khan Academy. Motivation for European conquest of the New World (article) | Khan Academy. Khan Academy. Retrieved 21 May 2022, from https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/us-history/precontact-and-early-colonial-era/old-and-new-worlds-collide/a/motivations-for-conquest-of-the-new-world.

Nguyen, T. (2017). A Short History of the Scientific Revolution. ThoughtCo. Retrieved 20 May 2022, from https://www.thoughtco.com/scientific-revolution-history-4129653.

Nishi, J., & Chmiola, M. (2017). 5 ways science is transforming global health and saving lives. Ghtcoalition.org. Retrieved 20 May 2022, from https://www.ghtcoalition.org/blog/5-ways-science-is-transforming-global-health-and-saving-lives.

Whipps, H. (2008). How Gunpowder Changed the World. livescience.com. Retrieved 21 May 2022, from https://www.livescience.com/7476-gunpowder-changed-world.html.