Cultural Intelligence

I scored 22 out of 28 for CQ strategy, 27 out of 42 for CQ knowledge, 27 out of 35 for CQ motivation, and 24 out of 35 for CQ behavior. The scores indicate my strengths and weaknesses based on cultural intelligence. However, since the score is above average, my strengths are more. Firstly, I am more conscious of the knowledge I use when socializing with people from other cultures. Even though I may not have full knowledge, at least whatever I say or hear from them, I usually understand. Thomas (2006) says that it is vital to be mindful and conscious when interacting with people from an unfamiliar culture because it links the knowledge and behavioral capability. Secondly, adjusting my cultural knowledge could be the strongest point from the CQ strategy. I believe every culture is superior in its own way, and to show respect to people from other cultures, I always try to adjust to their culture to fit so that I interact with them freely. Before I apply knowledge to other cultures, I try to be conscious of it, although sometimes I may not be fully aware.

Another strength is that I know the rules for expressing non-verbal behaviors in other cultures. This is one of my strongest strengths. I do not just use non-verbal behaviors because I understand they have different meanings and connotations across different cultures (Graham & Argyle, 1975). Also, regarding non-verbal cues, I adjust them when a situation demands. For instance, I cannot sit in a particular posture when interacting with other cultures like an old Indian. Another strength is I enjoy interacting with people from other cultures. I derive some sort of pleasure because I am also learning when interacting with them, which makes me happy. Lastly, I am confident about interacting with locals from an unfamiliar culture because, after all, I enjoy socializing with different cultures.



I also have weaknesses, as well. The strongest of all is it becomes hard to change my verbal behavior like accent when a cross-cultural requires it. Perhaps it could be attributed to my belief that the other culture can also adjust to my accent, but I find it difficult to change. Secondly, I do not know about other cultures’ legal and economic systems, language rules, marriage systems, and art and crafts. I think one central area I need to improve is knowledge of other cultures, considering I scored the lowest. Another weakness is that while I should enjoy living in unfamiliar cultures, I do not. I enjoy socializing with them, but I do not enjoy living with them. This could be attributed to the fear I have of neglecting my own culture and adopting another culture. However, I suppose I need to embrace learning and interacting with other cultures and living with them so that they also learn mine.

Assessment Complements

This assessment complements the issue of ethnocentrism. If my scores were too low, the evaluation could have indicated deficient performance and adjustment. And by performing low and being unable to adjust to different cultural contexts, it shows I would be considered ethnocentric. The primary reason being, if I do not adapt to other cultures, I do not appreciate them, and I only view mine as superior. Thus, having a task performance and adjustment above the average indicates I am not ethnocentric. Also, the assessment adds knowledge of how well I can be able to absorb culture shock. It is clear that with my scores, I can perfectly absorb culture shock since I can adjust to differences easily. Also, depending on my strengths, I might not even discover the shock because interacting with people will prepare my thoughts, beliefs, and feelings towards other cultures.


Graham, J. A., & Argyle, M. (1975). A cross-cultural study of the communication of extra-verbal meaning by gesture. International Journal of Psychology10(1), 57-67. DOI: 10.1080/00207597508247319

Thomas, D. C. (2006). Undefined. Group & Organization Management31(1), 78-99. DOI: 10.1177/1059601105275266