Evaluating an Executive Summary
The executive summary reports the attitudes of non-citizens of the US concerning immigration laws, as suggested by president George W. Bush in 2005. The Pew Hispanic Center (PHC) found that native Latinos were mostly against illegal immigrations, unlike foreign-born Latinos. Secondly, President George W. Bush looked forward to providing temporal residential permits to immigrants so that they would work. Thirdly, most illegal immigrants felt immigration laws were unfair since they boosted the economy by providing cheap labor. Fifthly, native Hispanics felt illegal immigrants’ cheap labor was hurting the economy by lowing wages. Sixthly, most Mexicans were willing to work in the US legally or illegally regardless of their economic or education status. Overall, there is a schism in the attitudes of foreign-born Hispanics and native Hispanics concerning the impacts of the increased rate of flow if immigrants into the US.
These key findings are critical, especially in strategic decision making that concerns immigrants in the US. For instance, the government may regulate the wage policies to ensure immigrants – both legal and illegal, do not bring negative economic implications. Secondly, countries like Mexico may improve their wage policies and access to essential services by comparing with those of the US so that the motivations for immigration are reduced (Abramitzky & Boustan, 2017). Thirdly the government may design immigration laws that acknowledge that most immigrants do not want a temporally residential permit but full citizenship. Also, the report warrants the creation of structures such as societies that recognize legal minority group residents so that they can offer opinions and reduce generalization and bias. Sixthly, the employer sanctions and labor standards ought to be restructured to reduce benefits for employing illegal immigrants. Lastly, policies that concern access to welfare services such as education and healthcare ought to be redesigned to discourage immigrants with a desire for welfare services in the US.
While the summary has significantly critical findings, it requires improvements to support these strategic decisions. First, the summary should include a comparison between the wage policies in Mexico with that of the US. As illustrated by Middaugh (2013, p.15), statistics help in effectively planning course of action. Secondly, the summary should elaborate on the key stakeholders whom the data presented is relevant, and suggest the best course of action.
Abramitzky, R., & Boustan, L. (2017). Immigration in American Economic History. Journal Of Economic Literature, 55(4), 1311-1345. https://doi.org/10.1257/jel.20151189
Middaugh, M. (2013). Planning and assessment in higher education. Jossey-Bass.