Week 7 Journal
I value my relationship with my colleagues, and the affiliation is friendly as we are connected to perform similar duties, as well as our interests, are intertwined with most of the time spending time together discussing the course our future in linguistic matters. The friendly relationship has lasted for three years since we joined college and hit together in most cases.
The most considerable valuable as to why I formed the friendly relationship with my colleagues was the attraction and proximity we experienced in school drawing us together to tackle the similar field of linguistic as our major and other curricular activities we engaged ourselves on such as rugby and soccer (The Needs, Benefits, and Perils of Close Relationships, pp 15-36). At the start of the relationship, I was shy and naïve as we were strangers and our attractions and interests were invisible, but after mingling and deducing we had similar welfares in the subject, we hit well, and until now we are connected.
Considering the Knaps steps of developing a friendly relationship with my colleagues, the face of coming together was presided by initiation in which I made impressions, displayed better self and intensely observed the friends (Hackett, pp 1-7). Experimentation followed which encompassed small talks and disclosed what we had in common. The intensifying stage trailed, leading to more in-depth conversations and close contact in which the relationship started to flourish as we started outlining secrets and most of the time, we conducted duties together. During the integration step, we adopted similar behaviours, such as wearing similar dress codes and shared rooms. Bonding cemented our friendly relationship and became used to one another and helped to achieve success together.
During making the friendly relationship with my colleagues, dialectical tensions such as privacy and hostility affected the initial stages in that opening up to our secrets and giving into our inner emotions as well as displaying abilities to contribute on the field of linguistic our relationship (Vanderdrift et al. pp 13-30). Also, transgressions caused by peer pressure such as breaking school rules and bullying affected the conduct. Constant communication and seeking advice from the peer council enabled us to rectify our misunderstandings helped us achieve the best friendly relationship in college.
Work Cited
“The Needs, Benefits, and Perils of Close Relationships.” Close Relationships, 2013, pp. 15-36.
Hackett, Dan. “The Ten Stages of a Relationship.” 2017, www.elitesingles.com/mag/relationship-advice/stages-of-a-relationship.
Vanderdrift, Laura E., et al. “The role of communication in “friends with benefits” relationships.” PsycEXTRA Dataset, 2011.