Twelve Co-functions of a Counselor


            My role would be to determine whether to admit a client based on screening criteria. Such factors include external ones such as the environment and individual factors such as age and gender of the client to be admitted. For instance, whether the environment is favorable to the client or not. These factors would enable me to determine whether the client meets the agency’s requirements or not. The client must meet the agency’s minimum requirements for him or her to get admission. This duty is important because an agency can admit the right clients that need counseling services. Intake

            After screening, I would provide forms for the client to fill in. The documents include admission, eligibility and appropriateness, forms, and financial data. Additionally, a signatory form explaining the confidentiality of clients’ information will be there. The admission form includes details of the client. I will help the client understand the forms as well as sign them where necessary and, keep the client’s information and details confidential (Harman, Flite & Bond, 2012). This step is important because it gives room to know the client more, and the more knowledge one knows about the client, the better the services. The documents also act as sources of evidence that the client has been admitted.


            My duties would include explaining to the client what the program is about, its goals, and the charges that will be accrued to treatment. On top of that, I would explain how they are expected to behave during the course and disciplinary actions that would be taken if they do not adhere. For example, if a client violates a rule of attending formal classes, the action may be a punishment that involves doing some work. Orientation is imperative because there will be a mutual understanding between the client and the counselor throughout the course. The client will strive to act accordingly and also have a clear picture of what is before him or her.


            I would identify to what extent a client’s problem has affected them, social adaptations, legal factors, and psychological functioning. I would fulfill this by carrying out interviews with the client, testing, or researching secondary sources. This would give me accurate information on the client’s history. For example, if they are alcoholic, I would know when they began and how bad it has affected their health. Also, whether they have been involved in legal issues due to alcoholism or not. Overall assessment aids in determining the type of treatments to offer a client.

Treatment planning

            I would explain the assessment results to the client, list down their health problems, agree on how we shall solve them, and the resources to use. We will also come into a conclusion on how the client is supposed to behave based on his problems. This helps in determining their progress. Treatment planning helps to improve the problem by choosing the one with a higher rate of success (Beutler, Someah, Kimpara & Miller, 2016).  For instance, a cigarette addict may agree on reducing the number of cigars they take every day by two to overcome the problem. This way, I would be able to monitor the treatment.


            I would offer education and information on how to achieve the set objectives for the client. Depending on the problems and objectives of a particular client, I would select a psychological theory that fits the client and apply it to solving the client’s problems. For the counseling to succeed, I would examine the client’s behavior and attitude based on gender and cultural factors. Counseling is crucial because it gives room for tackling a problem that one cannot tackle on their own (Darling-Hammond, Flook, Cook-Harvey, Barron & Osher, 2019). Therefore, better solutions are given.

Case Management

            them. I would coordinate the services by ensuring I have connected with the right personnel for a particular problem. For example, if a client experiences health complications, they would need the attention of a physician. Therefore, I would connect them with a doctor as I monitor his progress. This helps to ensure that the client is in good condition and has nothing to hinder them from achieving the set objectives.

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Crisis Intervention

            I would discover any crisis that may hit my client and develop an immediate strategy for solving the crisis. It helps clients receive assistance and support promptly. Furthermore, the treatment process is not interfered with by the crisis. For instance, if my client is confronted with a criminal case in the course of treatment, it is crucial to liaise with the relevant authorities to postpone the case to a later date. By this, the case will not interfere with the treatment of the client because it will be discovered early enough and dealt with.

Clien Education

            My role would be to educate the clients concerning their problems by organizing both formal and informal classes. For example, I would organize lectures, films, or group discussions for the clients. This would enable the clients to understand their problems better, for instance, drug abuse and the side effects of it (Darling-Hammond et al., 2019). Also, they would understand why they need to avert from taking drugs. Bourin & Thibaut (2013) explains that education also aids the client in coping with stress and anxiety without necessarily relying on drugs.


            My role would be to identify the needs of a client that cannot be met by the agency or I. Such needs may include but are not limited to pharmaceutical drugs. I would then refer my client to a service provider fit for the client’s needs without violating the rules of the agency. After that, I would help the client on how to get a suitable support system. This step is important because the client can meet his or her additional needs in the right manner and place it through the right people. For example, I would refer to a sick client to a medical doctor. This way, the client will have the right medication.

Report And Record Keeping

            The role entails the preparation of reports and records about the client to facilitate seamless care. This includes documenting the reports on assessment, treatment care, and overall behavior of the client on charts. It helps to facilitate smooth communication among members of the staff at the agency and enhances the performance of the client in achieving his objectives. Furthermore, the documents may serve as a reference in the future. For example, if the client’s family wants to know the progress, the charts will show and serve as evidence.

Consultation With Other Professionals

            discussions or in staff housing. This may include issues that I have doubts dealing with and may harm the client’s treatment. I may involve either internal or external colleagues. This duty helps in maximizing the quality of services delivered to the client. Through consultations, other professionals would channel their views of which some of them may work effectively. On top of this, the agency’s brand would be recognized for offering quality services to its clients.



Beutler, L., Someah, K., Kimpara, S., & Miller, K. (2016). Selecting the most appropriate treatment for each patient. International Journal Of Clinical And Health Psychology16(1), 99-108. doi: 10.1016/j.ijchp.2015.08.001

Bourin, M., & Thibaut, F. (2013). A Critical Approach of the Current Treatment of Anxiety Disorders. Current Psychopharmacology2(2), 104-112. doi: 10.2174/2211556011302020002

Darling-Hammond, L., Flook, L., Cook-Harvey, C., Barron, B., & Osher, D. (2019). Implications for educational practice of the science of learning and development. Applied Developmental Science24(2), 97-140. doi: 10.1080/10888691.2018.1537791

Harman, L., Flite, C., & Bond, K. (2012). Electronic Health Records: Privacy, Confidentiality, and Security. AMA Journal Of Ethics14(9), 712-719. doi: 10.1001/virtualmentor.2012.14.9.stas1-1209