The Processes of Writing an Essay
Essays are a common type of task for college students. There are many instances where instructors require students to write various essays to achieve specific objectives. Notably, essay writing is not straightforward, and it is time-consuming. Some students often write wrong essay formats, while others miss critical parts of essay assignment instructions. Writing a quality essay necessitates a process where a student creates an outline, researches a topic, and assesses the essay’s quality.
The first step would be to create an outline. An outline is a blueprint for the essay – it is a list of ideas that will be transferred into an actual essay. The outline guides a student not to lose focus on the essay’s topic or idea. Due to that, an outline helps to maintain organized thoughts. Besides, students can write faster than when not beginning with an outline. The increased speed is because a student has already gotten ideas about the topic when creating the outline.
The second step entails research. Here, a student follows the main ideas and points held by the outline and research about them. The research aims to collect facts and evidence to build up the outline’s idea (Jagadeesh et al. 133). Researching phase is usually knowledge demanding, and libraries are essential tools.
Once a student has finished researching, the last step entails a quality check. Assessing the quality of the essay is critical since it reveals the possibility of achieving a high grade. Usually, students are provided with a rubric with checklists for scoring high or low grades (Brookhart 115). As such, this step entails confirming from the instructions and rubric whether all criteria have been met.
To sum up, the essay writing process entails creating an outline, researching, and assessing the work. Some essays are complicated, and others are simple; however, the fastest way to complete a high-quality essay would create an outline. After utilizing relevant libraries to build on the essay topic, the last step would be to assess its quality.
Works Cited
Brookhart, Susan M. How To Create And Use Rubrics For Formative Assessment And Grading. ASCD, 2013.
Jagadeesh, Gowraganahalli et al. “The Critical Steps For Successful Research: The Research Proposal And Scientific Writing”. Journal Of Pharmacology And Pharmacotherapeutics, vol 4, no. 2, 2013, p. 130. Medknow, doi:10.4103/0976-500x.110895. Accessed 1 Mar 2021.