The implications that surveillance has on digital Taylorism

Taylorism involves systematic control and evaluation of workers and detailed timing and monitoring of their operations. As stated by Lynn (1994), Taylorism permits a relaxing of centralized, bureaucratic management supervision and monitoring. Through surveillance, workers become aware that individual performances are more closely observed, and this itself may have a disciplinary effect thus creating direct control superfluous

As stated by Brown et al., (2010), the digital Taylorism, leads to status of being prudent in making claims for a revolution in management or the information down organization or worker empowerment. The de-skilling of jobs as in surveillance results to few highly paying jobs. This in turn leads to reduction of the number of opportunities available a company and thus joblessness. In some cases, surveillance may lead to biased and unstable working condition in cases where the employee fears the supervisor.

This can also take place when the supervisor has formed opinions about a particular employee or about given task. On the contrary, as stated by Brown et al., (2010), the close monitoring of the employs ensures maximum performance by the workforce and hence improved products and services. The company will only retain highly performing employees and jobs relevant to the organization’s growth. Since only the high-performing employees will be retained, all the employees strive to have a position in the company leading to high performance and competency.

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