Teaching Plan
My patient is a sixteen-year-old high school girl, named Charity. Charity is a student at St Mark’s School of Texas in the United States. Late last year, she got pregnant and delivered a baby girl in August this year. I will teach Charity on infant care. The reason I have chosen her and the topic is because she delivered a baby while still young without the knowledge of taking care of her baby. Secondly, her parents passed on early last year, so she does not have someone to help her. Furthermore, she appears to be stressed by the duties. Thus, she will need guidance on how to take care of the baby. As a nurse, I’m concerned about infants’ well-being and therefore I will help Charity.
I assessed her readiness to learn by interrogating her on some issues and her responses. Some of the issues I asked her about include whether she is having challenges breastfeeding the baby, how often she cleans her baby, what types of foods she is taking, among others. According to her responses, I discovered that she was looking for help and she was ready to accommodate any positive changes. Again, she suddenly became so happy after interacting with me a sign that she desperately needed help. Thus, I decided to create time for her and teach her about infant care. Some of the barriers that I may encounter are a distraction from the baby and noise from the surrounding environment since I will conduct the session at the hospital grounds.
One of the teaching methods to use is story-telling. For one, Charity is stressed, therefore, she needs to hear real stories on other teenagers who became young mothers like her for inspiration. She needs to hear stories to refresh her mind too. Therefore stories from real-life experience will work. One advantage of teaching through story-telling is that it nurturers listening skills (Lius p.1). Therefore, Charity will also be more attentive.
Another method I will use is the demonstration method. I will show her the position to put her baby when breastfeeding her, where to start when cleaning the baby, and any other thing that will require a demonstration. Experts in education explain that teaching through demonstrations makes complex ideas simple and easy to understand (Feltovich et al. p.58).
I will use several teaching materials including videos, infant care related journals, internet references, and brochures. The videos will aid in demonstrating ideas. For example, I can show her a video of a young mother breastfeeding a baby. The journals will help me explain ideas extensively because usually, they are detailed. Internet reference will help in counterchecking facts provided in the journals and brochures or anything else that I will need to refer to. I will give her the brochures at the end of the session where she will be referring to ideas while at home.
To evaluate her understanding, I will ask her some questions and assess her answers. Evaluation helps one to identify the weak points and suggest relevant remedial programs (Bailey p.11-30). If she answers them correctly, then I will know she will have understood. According to her feedback, I will know which areas to repeat. On top of that, I will ask her to demonstrate, for instance, breastfeed the baby and from that, I will know her level of understanding.
Works Cited
Bailey, Thomas. “Challenge and opportunity: Rethinking the role and function of developmental education in community college.” New Directions for Community Colleges, vol. 2009, no. 145, 2009, pp. 11-30.
Feltovich, P. J., et al. “Chapter 4: The nature of conceptual understanding in biomedicine: The deep structure of complex ideas and the development of misconceptions.” Cognitive Science in Medicine, 1989, DOI:10.7551/mitpress/1878.003.0007.pp58
Lius S. “24 Types of Teaching Methods And Their Advantages And Disadvantages PDF.” 24 Mar. 2016, www.bedguide.in/2019/07/24-types-of-teaching-methods.html#:~:text=Types%20of%20Teaching%20Method%201%20Telling%20Method%20%28Lecture,method%20%28Inductive%20and%20deductive%2C%20analysis%2C%20synthesis%20method%2C%20etc%29.