Scholarship Essay

We consume video games for entertainment or relaxation from everyday stresses. However, a video game is a suitable platform to learn essential life skills and get the motivation to bolster our education and career development. Minecraft illustrates this fact clearly in its 3D venture that is exciting and inspiring.

My career life is an outward manifestation of the inspiration derived from Minecraft. I have always had a desire to work in the medical field. For some time, I contemplated pursuing nursing, but the desire faded. This paved the way for a more engaging career –medical sonography. In Minecraft, one enters the game with one goal and can achieve infinite exciting possibilities. That is my inspiration, which has helped me navigate through various academic terrains to achieve my desire.

During my Freshman year, I developed my knowledge in clinical areas. I then steered through the field of natural science, which uplifted my capabilities to pursue a degree of choice in the healthcare field. This journey is similar to navigating the various levels in Minecraft; I hold the Bachelor’s degree in Medical Sonography as my life’s “Pocket Edition.” Throughout my education, I have gathered adequate points to allow me to move to the target.

Minecraft game also has great flexibility and can be programmed to support learning. In the original version, players embark on a mission and collect craft tools, raw materials, and build structures. This is not merely a game but inspires individuals who are pursuing engineering courses. For instance, before extracting the raw materials, one must collect the essential craft tools. Similarly, the game can be programmed to simulate other fields, such as healthcare. This would offer students a chance to derive inspiration from the game, which is still rehearsing essential theories and procedures they learn in class.


The game has succeeded in simulating computing systems, including virtual computers and hardware, which, besides helping computer engineering students to relax, builds on their knowledge, and improves their imaginative capability. Similarly, diversifying the missions in the Minecraft program can allow other students to draw similar inspiration and act as a buffer for success in the learning setup.

Career development is another important sphere where Minecraft can supplement. As humans, we desire to get to the next level in our careers, but, at times, we are afraid to do what it takes to get a promotion. Minecraft can help to overcome this by cultivating patience and skill development. By having hierarchical levels, the game requires one to accumulate the minimum points before getting to the other level. This may take several trials, but the reward keeps the player gaming. Similarly, we can derive this motivation for our career development. The rewarding system in the game can inspire us to pursue qualities that facilitate our career development.

Through inspiration gained while playing Minecraft, particularly infinite possibilities, people can derive motivation to do incredible things and achieve greatness in life. With the Minecraft scholarship, I will transfer my experience beyond the game. It will be an investment that will enable me to achieve my “Pocket Edition,” Bachelor’s degree in Diagnostic Medical Sonography.