Project Management
Question one
In project management, micromanaging teams may constitute issues both from employees and managers. For instance, the team’s innovation motive is reduced significantly. In a team, employee engagement spurs innovation, which empowers them to be accountable for their results. With micromanagement, this motive is disempowered, and most employees feel bothered or more dependent on their manager. This can lead to health problems, especially when the micromanagers exert a heavy toll on the employees’ health. On the manager side, he or she is unable to control all the tasks assigned to the team, which eats up their time when monitoring them. In turn, their employees’ dependency on them reduces performance. Also, loss of trust is noticeable between the two parties.
Question Two
In the workplace, building solid relationships is critical for success. The main reason for this is the opportunities that it presents. For instance, it creates a networking potential that results in future employment, business venture, or client referrals. Furthermore, good relationships at the workplace boost excellence, which grants the employee greater satisfaction for their work (Robertson, O’Reilly & Hannah, 2020). This satisfaction in turn enhances the overall organizational performance.
Question Three
In project management, emotional intelligence is a virtue, especially when dealing with diverse teams. However, I do expect several challenges relates to sociocultural issues. For instance, gender roles and inequality in project management is an issue that will challenge me significantly. Other challenges that I will need to deal with are religious beliefs that may alter project functions and activities (Lima & Patah, 2016). This aspect also relates to different lifestyles and perceptions that team members have, even though they have to work together.
Question Four
On career project management, I would like several questions answered so to understand the entire scope of project management. For instance;
- What’s the most important thing that project managers do?
- How do you work with sponsors of a project and how do you manage up?
- What happens when you don’t delegate during a project?
- Which are the best techniques for solving problems in project management?
Lima, N., & Patah, L. A. (2016). Cultural Issue and its Influence in the Management of Global Project Teams. Future Studies Research Journal: Trends and Strategies, 8(1), 90-112.
Robertson, K. M., O’Reilly, J., & Hannah, D. R. (2020). Finding meaning in relationships: The impact of network ties and structure on the meaningfulness of work. Academy of Management Review, 45(3), 596-619.