Potential Effects of the New President

Potential Effects of the New President of the United States on the Five Social Institutions

Social institutions are complex and integrated sets of social norms fashioned around preserving our basic societal values. In the U.S., our social institutions are organized around five key areas, government, family, religion, education, and the economy. Every US President elected into office comes with new policies and values that are likely to alter these five social institutions, and President Joe Biden’s administration is no exception.

President Joe Biden Administration is expected to institute new policies different from his predecessor that would change U.S. government institutions as a whole. One area of governance that is likely to change significantly during Biden’s Presidency is U.S. relations with the rest of the world. Joe Biden is striding into the Oval Office when the world is whirling from Covid-19 alongside the increasing threat of resurgent from United States adversaries such as Russia and China; hence dramatic changes in U.S. policies and rhetoric are expected to address some of these global issues. We also expect an immediate improvement in the relationship between the U.S. and Germany after four years of what many analysts describe as absurdly abrasive treatment of Germany as U.S. key ally by President Trump’s administration (Daniels et al. 7). The administration is also expected to pass policies that will ensure fairness and restoring the blacks and brown people’s trust in our governance systems.

The Biden Presidency is also expected to make significant changes to our family institution. For instance, Joe Biden, on his first day in office, released the “U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021″ to the U.S. Congress, a bill that would bring to an end some to President Trump’s controversial immigration policies and significantly overhaul our family institution. The bill proposes an eight-year path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants in the U.S. and removing restrictions on family-based immigration through increased per-country visa quotas. Strengthening family-based immigration will help preserve family unification, which is the U.S. long-held immigration system’s foundation (Kelley-Widmer, 9).

Religion diversity is also expected to improve during the Biden Presidency. Religious minorities have for years been censured as security threats. The prejudiced typecasts pervaded the Muslim ban that began as a travel ban on the predominantly Muslim nations, preventing millions of people from Arab and African countries from coming to the U.S (Wroten, 11). The Biden administration is expected to embrace religious diversification by lifting such bans.

Joe Biden Presidency could also bring some changes to the education system. Some of the education priority policies highlighted during Biden’s inauguration speech include the safe reopening of schools as soon as possible, eliminating funding gaps between low-income and affluent school districts, investing significantly in childhood education, and improving teacher pay. The changes, when effected, will bring a completely new face to the U.S. education system (Silberner, 2). First Lady Dr. Jill Biden is also an educator means well for the U.S. education system under Biden’s administration.


President Joe Biden is also stepping into the office when the U.S. economy is ravaging from the effects of Covid-19 pandemic; hence, several policy changes are expected to stimulate the country’s economy and manage the rising costs and other economic damages from pandemic effects. Biden electioneered on an economic policy to empower the middle class, raise taxes on the extremely wealthy, extend healthcare, and invest heavily in green energy (Ullmann, 6), plans that will change the face of the U.S. economy if fully implemented from what was left behind by his predecessor.

Every US President elected into office comes with new policies and values that are likely to alter these five social institutions; hence President Joe Biden’s administration is also expected to affect significant changes in the U.S. government, family, religion, education, and economic institutions as explored in this paper.

Works Cited

Daniels, Laura von, et al. “A new beginning with president Biden: five German and European prioritites for the transatlantic agenda.” (2020): 7.

Kelley-Widmer, Jaclyn. “Quotidian Policies: How Trump’s Unseen Immigration Rules Have Wreaked Havoc and How to Fix Them.” Available at SSRN 3727589 (2021).

Silberner, Joanne. “How Joe Biden plans to heal American healthcare.” bmj 372 (2021).

Ullmann, Owen. “Joe Biden: What Kind of President?.” The International Economy 34.3 (2020): 6-9.

Wroten, Bryan. “Diversity Strides Expected As New Administration Begins.” (2021).