Management of Technology and Innovation

Regardless of challenges facing Bioastra Technologies, there are many benefits and opportunities associated with using information systems (IS). However, the implementation of IS requires effective planning to accomplish the desired goals (Alamri et al., 2016). In their article, Alamri et al. (2016) describe the implementation of IS in a similar company as Bioastra Technologies – Saudi Telecommunications Company (STC). They find that strategic information system planning is a critical task that enables or disables (due to lack of it) an organization to implement effective IS. However, they warn that organizations must be ready to adopt a top-down planning process in the SISP strategy (Alamri et al., 2016).

Such a planning process allows efficiency and fosters effective communication and collaboration (Alamri et al., 2016; Kitone & Omieno, 2013). Kitone & Omieno (2013) investigated the role of IS in organizational business processes and found that it leverages many benefits ranging from data sourcing, keeping, sharing, and increasing the processing speed of an organizational. They found that IS are particularly vital for HRMs and marketing staff (Kitone & Omieno, 2013). Still, they warn that “managers must provide supportive information and input” to enable effective planning and implementation (Kitone & Omieno, 2013, p.1218). Such information and input regard issues like regulation and suitability.

Organizations often face dilemma during procurement of IS, as they have to purchase the system suitable for the business, and that which honors regulation (Moe et al., 2017). In their article, Moe et al. (2017) investigate the requirements and specifications for procuring IS. Their findings affirm one of the Bioastra’s challenges – government regulation. That is, a significant challenge is for organizations is getting the IS specifications right and adhere to the strict government regulations (Moe et al., 2017). They suggest that amid the strict and ever-changing regulations, success for implementation will depend on “the skill and acumen of procurement managers” (Moe et al., 2017, p.159). Besides, Abrego Almazán et al. (2017) explains that success underly in the value for the IS to the business.

In their article, Abrego Almazán et al. (2017) investigate the influence of IS on organizational results. They collected and analyzed data from 133 companies to find that organizations that paid more attention to IS had better organization results (Abrego Almazán et al., 2017). Also, availability and accuracy of information are paramount for IS users, and preceded the successful implementation of the IS (Abrego Almazán et al., 2017). They also found that managers had a critical role in ensuring better policies, adherence to regulations, and allocation of resources. A former study had found that the implementation of IS was critical for organizations facing competition or want to add more functions to organization processes (Xu & Quaddus, 2013). Xu & Quaddus (2013) investigated the development and implementation process for IS in companies.


Like Abrego Almazán et al. (2017), Xu & Quaddus (2013) found that IS made organizations flexible and agile. They, however, cite that poor development and implementation can have damaging effects on business performance or cause business failure (Xu & Quaddus, 2013, p.53). It is thus evident that IS has underlying challenges. Such challenges and others are best illustrated by Almalki et al. (2017), referring to a case study of a bank. In their study, Almalki et al. (2017) demonstrate the challenges in the implementation of Information System Strategy. They found challenges relating to management since not many managers were can effectively identify goals gap for the organization regarding IS (Almalki et al., 2017). Other challenges include human resource, technical, environmental, and time or currency challenges (Almalki et al., 2017).


Abrego Almazán, D., Sánchez Tovar, Y., & Medina Quintero, J. (2017). Influence of information systems on organizational results. Contaduría Y Administración62(2), 321-338.

Alamri, S., Almutiri, N., Ballahmar, H., & Zafar, A. (2016). Strategic Information System Planning: A Case Study of a Service Delivery Company. IARJSET3(5), 78-84.

Almalki, M., Al-fleit, S., & Zafar, A. (2017). Challenges in Implementation of Information System Strategies in Saudi Business Environ-ment: A Case Study of a Bank. International Journal Of Computer Trends And Technology43(1), 56-64.

Kitone, M., & Omieno, K. (2013). Role of Information Systems in Organizational Business Process. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY8(1), 1214-1220.

Moe, C., Newman, M., & Sein, M. (2017). The public procurement of information systems: dialectics in requirements specification. European Journal Of Information Systems26(2), 143-163.

Xu, J., & Quaddus, M. (2013). Developing and Implementing Information Systems. Managing Information Systems, 53-65.