Name…………………………………………. Date…………………………………………                                                                       

1. Program Objectives

I hereby consent to participate in a standard training on fitness and nutrition voluntarily. I understand that the training programs are tailored to satisfy the objectives and goals that the personal instructor and I set. I also consent to be subjected to personal fitness and nutrition program undertakings recommended by my trainer to improve stress management, dietary counselling, and fitness/health education activities. However, I acknowledge that my trainers may not guarantee that I will achieve the settled goals. My program goals and objectives include:

  • Improve flexibility
  • Cardiovascular improvement
  • Enhanced muscular endurance
  • Reduced body fat
  • Improved flexibility
  • Weight loss
  • Increased strength
  • Others, as agreed in the course of the programs

Programs Procedures

I understand that the training programs will encompass participating in several forms of fitness activities. The activities will vary based on the training objectives at every particular time. Expected training activities will include:

  1. Aerobic activities include stationary spin bicycles, treadmills, rope machines, rowing machines, arm cycle ergometer, running, circuit training, agility drills, and step exercise, among others.
  2. Strength building and muscular endurance exercises include using medicine balls, free weights, exercise bands, ropes, kettlebells, and cable machines, among other devices.
  3. Other training activities agreed up by my instructor
  4. Selected body composition and physical fitness tests.

I understand that the training exercises I will engage in will be according to my cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness. I will be needed to go through classified exercise tests before embarking on my fitness training to evaluate the present fitness level reduce any potential health complications during the training.

Potential Program Risks during the Exercise

I have been explained to that there is isolated possibility during the training of adverse changes, including heart rhythm disorders, abdominal blood pressure, dizziness, and fainting, slight changes in stroke, heart attack, and even death. I have been further informed and understand that there is a potential risk of bodily injury, including injuries to ligaments, muscles, joints, and tendons. Besides, I have been fully informed that participating in strength building and muscle endurance, among other fitness activities, are likely to cause minor injuries such as bruises and infrequently severe injuries such as muscle tear.

I have been informed that the trainer will make every effort to minimize the potential occurrences of these risks through proper assessment of my overall health condition before the start of each session. There will also be staff monitoring during the training sessions, and I am also expected to exercise careful control of each step to avoid injury. However, regardless of the effort by my instructor, he may not guarantee my safety.

Potential Program Benefits

I understand that the training may or may not improve my general health and physical fitness, depending on my ability to follow the rules, consistency, and other factors. However, I understand that the potential benefits of the programs include weight loss, reduced body fat, decreased BP, enhanced cardiovascular function, reduced risks of heart complications, improved muscular endurance and strength, and enhanced flexibility, among other benefits. 

I agree to participate in the fitness and nutrition program described by the trainer. The program’s purpose, nature, risks, and benefits have been explained vividly by the trainer, and I understand what is needed of me. I understand that I can withdraw from the training at any time.

Participant’s Signature………………………………………………….

Participant’s Name……………………………………………………….
