Informative Speech Preparation Outline Grading Rubric

The speech title, purpose, thesis statement, and main ideas are presented clearly and concisely. The topic is appropriate for an informative speech.

25 to >0.0 ptsMet Requirement0 ptsMissed Meeting the Requirement

25 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStructure and Development: Logical structure indicates a clear progression of ideas written in complete sentences, including an Introduction, Body, and Conclusion with transitions between sections.

15 to >0.0 ptsMet Requirement0 ptsMissed Meeting the Requirement

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeScholarly Research: The information presented is supported by research from a minimum of three credible sources.

15 to >0.0 ptsMet Requirement0 ptsMissed Meeting the Requirement

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe outline correctly follows the Speech Preparation Outline Template format. Sentences are complete. In-text citations and references are in APA seventh edition style. Spelling and grammar are correct.

20 to >0.0 ptsMet Requirement0 ptsMissed Meeting the Requirement

20 pts

Total Points: 75