Human Resource Management

The success of a total reward program should be measured by the number of employees the organization could retain at a particular period. A successful total reward program should help in retaining valuable employees in an organization. The employer should analyze the number of permanent employees who were present before introducing the total reward program and compare it with the ones left to know the number of those who quit. A favorable one should retain employees as they feel motivated by rewards. The metric system is important as the biggest contributing factor to retaining employees (Mackay et al., 2017). This reward system enables employers to focus on employee performance; thus, they receive the time and attention they need. It also helps in determining the reward each employee deserves (Mackay et al., 2017). It is also a good system as employees who are enumerated for what they do at work enable them to work urgently and be motivated as they know what they will get in return.

Organizations may gauge the success by evaluating the profit maximization after a reward program. Engaging employees in a training program will lead to high-quality products at a low cost and more skills, leading to healthy competition (Nastasoiu & Vandenbosch, 2019). Training helps the employees as they feel a sense of self-worth. When new skills are incorporated into an organization, the output will get out the input, and more profits will be made (Nastasoiu & Vandenbosch, 2019). This will be a win-win situation as the employees will be rewarded, and the employer will receive profits for enrolling the employees in a training program. It will enable the organization to gains competitive advantage externally.

A human resource practitioner can effectively advocate for both employees and organizations.

Strategic management.  Concerning organization, they formulate strategies that are in line with the goals and objectives. They adopt an ‘outside-in’ approach, where all challenges from or facing stakeholders of an organization are considered at the starting pint of an organization (Nursing Administration Quarterly, 2011). They, they can assess the challenges and drawbacks and devise solutions. Besides, HR practitioners are at the forefront in supporting strategy formulation and implementation.


Internal consultancy

HR practitioners are consulted by colleagues and sometimes clients to analyze problems, diagnose issues, and propose solutions. They are consulted in the organization process, such as setting objectives and team building, which helps in an organization’s smooth running.

Service delivery

HR practitioners provide services to internal stakeholders, mainly the employees and senior managers. These services may be general or special services. They can extend to employees’ health and safety. That way, HR practitioners work for both the employees and managers to offer services such as feedback and employees’ recruitment and retention.

Protects employee rights and labor issues

HR practitioners air the employees’ grievances by representing the needs of the management and the needs of employees to the employer. Besi8des, they ensure that labor rights for employees are not violated.

Values guidance

HR protects the values and ethics of a particular organization. They point out behavior conflicts with the set code of values and act as required. They also stand up to challenge unethical work conducts.


Nursing Administration Quarterly. (2011). NURSING ADMINISTRATION FELLOW. Nursing Administration Quarterly9(3), 98.

 Nastasoiu, A., & Vandenbosch, M. (2019). Competing with loyalty: How to design successful customer loyalty reward programs. Business Horizons62(2), 207-214.

Mackay, M., Allen, J., & Landis, R. (2017). Investigating the incremental validity of employee engagement in the prediction of employee effectiveness: A meta-analytic path analysis. Human Resource Management Review27(1), 108-120.

Zaharee, M., Lipkie, T., Mehlman, S., & Neylon, S. (2018). Recruitment and Retention of Early-Career Technical Talent. Research-Technology Management61(5), 51-61.