HUD’s Headquarters Building.
This is a primary source for the Robert C. Weaver Federal Building. It is a seminal source, a web page on the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development, exposing the Robert C. Weaver Federal Building. According to the source, the building is ten stories, located in Washington, DC at 451 Seventh Street. The importance of the building in American history is that it became the office for the Department of Housing and Urban Development, where major developments for the laws in urban developments would occur. The article is not dated, but it is acceptable based on credibility since the official source provides it. This source will inform the U. S Department of Housing and Urban Development history when completing my dissertation. I will also use it to develop an understanding of the chronology of events that have taken place in the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Browne-Ferrigno, T., & Muth. R. (2012). Call for research on candidates in leadership preparation programs. Planning & Changing, 43(1/2), 10-24. Retrieved from
The authors find a critical gap in leadership research, where the candidates of leadership programs are conspicuously not studied. Therefore, there is limited information concerning the learning process of leadership candidates, such as those in closed cohorts, internships, distance learning, partnerships. The authors take on the program design for such leadership programs as they would be an ideal starting point for improving a leadership program. This source is a journal article published by Illinois State University in 2012. Although the currency of the source is not acceptable for my dissertation, the article provides valuable information that will help in developing ideas to critique a leadership program and develop a frame for a program evaluation.
Center for Leadership Development. (2021). Retrieved from Top of Form
The source is a webpage on the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) official website, explaining the nature of a center for leadership development program schedule. The source acknowledges the talent gap that arises due to the retirement of career employees and insists on the need for leadership development programs for potential and interested leaders as a countermeasure. This article is directly related to my dissertation on the program evaluation plan for the emerging leader program at the U. S Department of Housing and Urban Development. The source will inform what it takes to have a successful leadership program. It will also inform the benefits of such programs, which will help decide the evaluation criteria and assess the ROI for such a program in HUD.
Davies, R. (2015). Evaluability Assessment. BetterEvaluation. Retrieved from
This is a webpage on evaluability assessment offered by the Better Evaluation organization. The article explains what an evaluation is and how it can be assessed. The authors also offer tips on when and where to conduct the evaluation assessment, the tools to use and the time and money which is approximately needed. This source is not dated, it is also not a seminal article of a peer-reviewed publication, but it has very important information for the program evaluation process. I will use it to explain and back up the literature on the use of evaluation programs, the procedure, and the tools in relation to program evaluation plans for emerging leader programs at the U. S Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Federal Emerging Leaders Development (FELD)Program. (n.d.). Retrieved from,speaking%20skills%2C%20share%20information%20and%20explore%20unique%20challenges.
This source described a leadership development program for the Greater Kansas City Federal Executive Board. The nine monthly programs is extensive enough to meet five leadership development goals through practice and an augmented Servant Leadership Capstone Project. This is comparable to an emerging leader program at the U. S Department of Housing and Urban Development and hence provides an ideal comparison when writing my dissertation. I will borrow information such as success criteria and the evaluation procedures used by the Greater Kansas City Federal Executive Board. Although undated, the article is deemed credible by virtual publication by a state department.
Hesbol, K. A. (2012). learning to lead: An examination of innovative principal leadership preparation practices. Planning and Changing, 43(1), 3-9. Retrieved from
The authors have put together an extensive writeup for the planning process and the changes in educational leadership and related policies. They cover many important topics, including exploring leadership contexts and leadership educational programs. This is a book, which besides lacking the value of a seminal article or a peer review journal article, it provides detailed and extensive information about leadership and related educational programs. That makes it directly related to my dissertation, where such information will be used to develop ideas and support arguments as they are appropriately fit the context of the program evaluation plan for emerging leader programs at the U. S Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Huang, T., Beachum, F. D., White, G. P., Kaimal, G., FitzGerald, A. M., & Reed, P. (2012). preparing urban school leaders: What works? Planning & Changing, 43(1/2), 72. Retrieved from
The article is peer-reviewed published in the journals of planning and changing. The authors conducted descriptive research to report what works when preparing urban school leaders. The goal is to investigate quantitatively and qualitatively the impact of a leadership development program, a topic directly related to my dissertation. Therefore, I will compare my emerging leader program at the U. S Department of Housing and Urban Development with this study to predict what can work and what can fail. This article will be valuable when developing my dissertation hypothesis, which is a key reason to use it despite being older than the desired currency.
Peet, M. (2012). Leadership transitions, tacit knowledge sharing and organizational generativity, Journal of Knowledge Management, 16(1), pp. 45-60. Retrieved from
This peer-reviewed article described the results of a study conducted to identify the efficacy of methods used in leadership transitions, tacit knowledge sharing and organizational generativity. This article is very resourceful with the findings on which methods work and which areas of leadership are best transited, where knowledge is most fluid, and other related issues. I will apply the results of this study and the principles described here in relation to the emerging leader program at the U. S Department of Housing and Urban Development. This source is old, but I will continue to use it due to its direct relation to my dissertation and its credibility since Peet M. is a leading professional and educator.
Royse, D., Thyer, B. A., & Padgett, D. K. (2016). Program evaluation: An introduction to an evidence-based approach (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage.
This is arguably the most resourceful resource for any program evaluation endeavor. The book is acceptable by many professors and praised significantly by students. One of the key advantages of the book is the detailed description and explanation of the various evaluation techniques and skills. The book has an excellent hands-on and applied focus on program evaluation and assessment of various types of programs, including leadership. As such, I will use the book to improve my critical analytical skills so that I can understand and evaluate the emerging leader program at the U. S Department of Housing and Urban Development. This book is my major reference point throughout the dissertation writing due to its rich in relevant information and academic credibility.
Senge, P. (2006). The fifth discipline: The art and practice of the learning organization. New York, NY: Doubleday. Peter Senge, the author of this book, puts down his many years of experience in organizational leadership to help understand the art and practice of the learning organization. The book has rich information about how leadership in the organization works and how organizations can leverage appropriate learning to compete better. This book will help describe the various organization functions in the U. S Department of Housing and Urban Development and how the learning process influences the overall performance of the emerging leader program. The book is fairly old, but the information put together by Senge is so valuable in understanding how the learning process for a leadership program can work. In addition, the book is credible since Senge is a senior lecturer at the Massachusetts Insti