Health Informatics Experience in a Clinical Setting

Health informatics refers to a field of science that uses information or Electronic Health Records (HER) to provide patient-centered care and improve health care services. It is dependent on technological systems to input, store, and retrieve health care information. I have been involved in many health appointments as a patient. The healthcare providers have asked me to use a patient portal in three different hospitals. The first time I came across the first provider to ask me to use the portal was in 2015 when I had gone to a clinic. The second time was in 2017, and the third was last year. In all three circumstances, healthcare providers have stressed the benefits of patients using the portal, especially those who need health services frequently.

I have signed up to use a patient portal. This came after the health provider in 2017 outlined various benefits I would accrue as a patient. After comprehending the benefits, I decided that I wanted to sign up. I signed up through the hospital he was working at, and upon visiting the hospital for my results, I used the portal because I had done a scan. I signed up because the health provider enlightened me about how the portal would reinforce my participation as a patient in my treatment. Besides, I signed up because I had a friend who had signed up way before me. From his stories, I could tell that the portal was serving him adequately, given that he needed healthcare services frequently. Hence, I wanted to try and experience its benefits.


The first time I used the patient portal was interesting. I found it easier than using hardcopy files and documents. I remember it was as easy as signing for an account, just like any other. I provided my personal details, and with the help of a health provider, I filled the challenging parts. I found it easy to use the portal because I am used to using online services such as purchasing products and other activities.

The best thing I liked about the portal is that it makes it easier for patients to track their health information and processes. When I used it for the first time, I could find any information pertaining to my diagnoses and prognoses, which made it easier for me to participate, as Boldt (2018) validates. Additionally, it led to better health outcomes since I took an active role in my treatment and could follow the health provider’s instructions. However, I wouldn’t say I liked the website having so many technical issues. The portal was unavailable at times; hence, I could not access my information.

Interoperability refers to the process of computers exchanging information. It is a common process in the health care system where different hospitals share patients’ information amongst themselves. Since I have used a patient portal with three health providers, I think two of them have shared my information. The reason for this assumption is that one of them told me some information that I had not added to his hospital’s portal. I confirmed that I had actually not provided the data and realized that either of the other two had shared my information with the hospital. The pro of electronic information sharing is that it could result in better health outcomes, while the pro is that it could result in sharing of wrong information. My security and privacy concern is about health providers sharing my information with unauthorized persons.


Education, privacy, and security need to be considered to take full advantage of technology and minimize negative effects. Studies have shown that usability is a major challenge for many patients and health providers (Carayon & Hoonakker, 2019: Flemming, 2017). Education needs to be offered to the patients, health providers and the public on how to use patient portals. Then, security and privacy need to be upgraded because that seems to be one of the most negative effects.


Boldt. (2018, March 9). EHR usability: What is it, why is it so important, and how can it be measured? (Infographic). Medsphere.

Carayon, P., & Hoonakker, P. (2019). Human factors and usability for health information technology: Old and new challenges. Yearbook of Medical Informatics28(01), 071-077.

Flemming, J. (2017, October 12). Usability is key to unlocking health to its full potential. Health IT Answers.