global event planner

Ppt 1- Introduction

My name is [insert name], the founder and CEO of the Delight Event Planner. My desire to become an event planner stems from my passion for helping people make their events a success. I am a qualified event planner for both local and global events. I possess a bachelor’s degree in hospitality, Public Relations, and a diploma in Business Management. The primary reason for pursuing the three courses was to enhance knowledge and skills regarding event planning both at local and international markets. Additionally, I have a Certified Meeting Professional (CMP) certificate.

Ppt 2- Skills, Competencies, and Experience

Event planning requires several skills, such as communication and coordination. Mckay (2019) is a certified career development facilitator, who recommends that a successful global event planner have excellent communication skills, attention to detail, interpersonal skills, problem-solving skills, and coordination skills. Besides, one needs to have management skills such as time management, networking, teamwork, creative thinking, and conflict resolution. Luckily, I am a very fluent communicator who understand the sending and receiving feedback process. I have developed these skills over time through learning and practice, because as Bucăţa & Rizescu (2017) have found, effective communication enhances organization performance.

As an event planner, I believe that our success requires systematic coordination. A study found that coordination in events depends on the knowledge base of the event planner (Silvers, 2012). Through my experience, I have learned to work with people and adjust to allow sharing of ideas. Thus, I value consultation to maintain coordination of all departments involved in event planning. Also, I have long socialized with people from diverse cultures, and my interpersonal relations with them have always yielded positive results. My personality as an outgoing person makes me fit for my career. Lastly, I have invested in problem-solving skills to make sure all the events I handle are successful, despite the inevitable challenges that arise in business processes.

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Ppt 3- Types of Events I Plan

I plan almost all types of events for private, public, and corporate clients. One of the significant events is conferences. I have expertise in planning all types of conferences, including business, religious, or political ones. Conferences are the best when it comes to raising product awareness or increasing sales and profits. When planning a conference, I prefer a strategic layout that is spacious. Also, auditorium seating is the best to keep the audience attentive.

I also organize seminars, although many event planners might consider seminars and conferences the same. I think the two are different, and thus, I have different planning strategies for each. Seminars are educational in nature, and therefore, I tend to plan them in a series of small groups rather than in large groups of people.

Another event I plan is executive meetings, social gatherings, and trade shows. Corporate meetings include corporate, organizational, or political meetings. Social gatherings include parties, weddings, birthday ceremonies, and anniversaries, and baby related parties. These bring people together to acknowledge milestones, share victories, and enjoy holidays, and most of all, boost each other’s morale (Social tables, 2020). If a client asks for a trade show, I do inquire the types of products the client wants to showcase to select the best exhibition booths.

Ppt 5- Examples of Events I have planned

Besides the many types, I have planned both small and large events, but I can just highlight a few of them. One of the large events is an international political conference that was held in South Africa. The total number of attendees was 400 political governors from all corners of the world. The conference was a huge success.

Another major event is a music concert. It was held in December 2019 at Indio, California United States. The client had a fan attendance more than 6000 people. All the activities played out very smoothly as I had planned. The best thing about that event is that I earned a certificate from the host country for organizing an excellent concert. It was the best events I make reference for arts events.

Another one is a graduation party where 20 graduates had collaborated cerebrate their academic journey. Each of them had their guests, so the number of guests was way up, 400 attendees.

I have also planned many small events of between 5 and 100 attendees, such as birthday parties, corporate meetings, and dates. Dates have traditionally not featured in the mainstream event planning, but I am finding incredibly increased number of people who request planning for logistics of a date. I am currently expecting many clients for valentines planning.

Ppt 6- Continuation of ppt 5

Ppt 4- Services I offer in Event Planning

As a global event planner, I am passionate about what I do, and I make sure my clients get the best services in the market from my company. I have specialized in five primary services that basically form my entire event planning process.


All of my events start with extensive research, followed by a proposal design. I do not leave the burden of research to my clients because, as an event planner, my work is to make their work easier and event successful. Some of the things I must study for each event include the demand for such events. For instance, a trade exhibition may require first finding out whether there is a demand for the exhibition or not. This also applies to seminars. I also do research the customs, culture, and etiquette of a particular community where the event is to be held. This has helped a lot since across cultures, these aspects change significantly. Also, I have found that the audiences of an event constitute a more significant percentage of the event’s success. If the event planner does not follow the audiences’ customs and culture, they may ruin it. I am also conscious about the legal aspects affecting the event. After researching extensively, I then proceed to location scouting.

Location Scouting

The second service I offer my clients is location scouting. It is challenging for most of my clients when deciding where to hold their events. Nevertheless, I always have them covered. I am familiar with a vast range of geographical regions from experience, and I many relevant suggestions to my clients depending on the needs of their events. One of the most valuable things a planner can offer their clients is a suitable location for the event. If an event is held at the wrong location, the audience may fail to turn up.  

Service Bid and Contract Management

Secondly, my clients do not need to worry about the service bid and contract management for the event logistics. Events involve different contracts for each vendor, such as sound system, caterers, entertainment, transportation, bartender among others. To make the event enjoyable, I have a identified the best vendors across my operational jurisdictions, whom I have been working with. All the vendors sign the contracts and know what is expected of them on the event’s day.


The fourth service is concerns coordinating the day of the event. At this point, my main objective is to ensure all event stakeholders understand the purpose of the event and their roles. I make sure all the vendors show up in time, they deliver the required services, and all the logistics occur as planned. This is the stage where I highly apply my skills; I must communicate very excellently with everybody in the event. If problems pop up, I always act on them using my critical thinking and problem-solving skills. I also ensure the event holders and participants are aware about the timelines and location, and have accessed the event at ease.

Evaluation and Follow-up

Lastly, I do not stop after the event is over; I do follow up activities for my clients. The goal is to have a successful event and satisfy my clients such that they can hire the company again and provide referrals. Some of the things I follow up on are making sure vendors are paid, returning rented items, and such. I also evaluate the event to assess where I can improve. My main style of evaluation is sending a rating card to the client, and holding a round table discussion with my employees and the vendors. This way, I spot constraints and improve on them. My main aim is to see the client and all the audiences happy during and after the event.


Ppt 7- Pricing

Despite offering quality and excellent services, I do not charge my clients heavily. As business experts have it, charging too high may send a gloomy picture and drive customers away, (Hidalgo et al., 2008). The cost if event planning mainly depends on the event’s size, type, venue, and the number of services to offer. However, regardless of these factors, the minimum I can charge for an event is $100. This is the cost which I have found to provide a quality event plan for the smallest event.  

Ppt 8- Contact Information

Having explained all of the above information, any other information that my clients would wish to know can be discussed through my contacts during office hours (8:00 am to 6:00 pm). Alternatively, anyone can book a one-on-one meeting with me for planning or consultation; I am available. The social platforms for the business are open to everyone, and I urge you to like, follow, and subscribe.

Phone: +1 ….

Email: ….


Facebook: Delight Event Planer

Instagram: Delight Event Planer

Twitter: Delight Event Planer


Hidalgo, P., Manzur, E., Olavarrieta, S., & Farías, P. (2008). Customer retention and price matching: The AFPs case. Journal Of Business Research, 61(6), 691-696.

Silvers, J. R. (2012). Professional event coordination. John Wiley & Sons.

Bucăţa, G., & Rizescu, A. M. (2017). The Role of Communication in Enhancing Work Effectiveness of an Organization. Land Forces Academy Review22(1), 49-57. doi:10.1515/raft-2017-0008

Mckay, D. R. (2019, May 4). Event planner job description: Salary, skills, & more. Balance Careers. Social tables. (2020, February 21). Types of events: The ultimate guide with examples. Social Table