Gendered Communication Styles

Communication is a universal method through which messages are conveyed from one person to another. Some communication methods are through verbal, textual, or behavioral signage. Also, the ability to communicate effectively varies from one person to another. That is, some people may be presumed as better communicators than others. In that light, communication styles reveal gaps in various social domains and require a critical approach to ensure smooth operations. Notably, most studies are biased or neglect critical emerging issues such as transgender, which are crucial to the subject. In workplaces, gendered commination styles may impact interactions positively or negatively depending on profession and environment.

Male and Female Communication

There is an extensive library of research concerning communication. Gendered communication is among the areas over explored, although scholars have significantly overlooked some areas such as the implications of transgender people. Nevertheless, studies have found that men and women communicate in quite different ways (Ubando, 2016; Satell, 2015). Overall, the differences in communication between men and women arise in leadership styles and the outlook of communication.

Gendered communication impacts leadership in that men tend to lead in a hierarchy, while women lead in autonomous style. Ubando (2016) explains that women are more likely to form relationships than men. That is, they develop more interpersonal connections than men. Therefore, women’s communication with colleagues and subordinates is more attached and emotionally attached and tends to be autonomous. In contrast, most men are likely to form a connection with colleagues than with all employees. Therefore, they rely on people in their close circles to send or receive information. That depicts a hierarchical leadership style.

Concerning outlook, women communicate messages that create an emotional connection, while men communicate to get tasks done. Therefore, women communication tends to result in a more extended network of people who are potential customers or people of help in certain situations. Studies show that women are most likely to know which staff is right in an area than men in workplaces (Tinsley & Ely, 2018). Men recognize gaps and opportunities, and their communication tends to analyze either or both situations and or results. That is, men are most likely to engage in conversation that results in the completion of tasks rather than forming relationships (Ubando, 2016). Also, women communicate voluminous messages or for longer than men.

Impacts of Gendered Communication in Work Places

The differences mentioned above affect the clarity or messages sent between men and women in the workplace. Also, the clarity determines the ability of teams or an organization workforce to collaborate in achieving specific goals. Notably, while gendered communication presents many differences – as highlighted above, no communication style is superior to another (Luo, Song, Gebert, Zhang & Feng, 2016). Therefore, in situations where gendered communication may lead to crisis, people should understand that no style deserves merit or blame. Instead, the solution would be to work around the way that ensures the clarity of their communication.

Nevertheless, miscommunication and confrontation are the common implication of gendered communication styles. For instance, Ubando (2016) explains that men are short of words than women and tend to disregard communication that would result in relationships. In that scenario, women in workplaces may feel detached from male colleagues, or presume them as difficult to self-disclosure. That way, messages from men may appear inadequate or less convincing to women. Misunderstandings may cause confrontations or further communication breakdown.

Impacts on Profession and Environment

Personal profession and environments impact the difference in gendered communication style. Though the styles are inherently different as explained above, the gap varies with profession and environment. For instance, professional women tend to communication by appealing to emotions, while men tend to communicate through ethos. However, in cases where women are in authority, they are more authoritative and influence both men and women through their leadership styles. Also, the subjects talked about varies with profession and environment.  For instance, at workplaces, both genders talk about work-related issues, but outside the work premise, they talk about other general matters. Overall, amid the differences in gendered commutation, both genders respect authority and contexts.

Personal Experience

I have worked in contexts that had more females than males. My encounter aligns with most issues reported by the studies summarized above. For instance, I find that women tend to speak more and in length, while men highlight detail about subjects in brief. Also, most men are more aggressive in their communication styles, while most women are tender and value communication that evokes an emotional connection. The differences arise due to people historical background, character, or peers. However, some men reveal styles that are connotated to women and vice versa. I feel that the studies are more general or are biased since the line between gender is not mostly blurred. That is, there is no specific set of characteristics of a communication style that are for men and another set for women.



Luo, W., Song, L., Gebert, D., Zhang, K., & Feng, Y. (2016). How does leader communication style promote employees’ commitment at times of change?. Journal Of Organizational Change Management, 29(2), 242-262. doi: 10.1108/jocm-11-2014-0204

Satell, G. (2015). Why communication is today’s most important skill. Forbes. Retrieved:

Tinsley, C., & Ely, R. (2018). What Most Companies Get Wrong About Men and Women. Retrieved 12 May 2020, from

Ubando, M. (2016). Gender Differences in Intimacy, Emotional Expressivity, and Relationship Satisfaction. Pepperdine Journal Of Communication Research, 8(13). Retrieved from