Five Principles of Management

Every general manager strives to make their organizations the best. Even though, some managers only make their organizations worse. However, by learning and understanding the five principles of management, such mangers may excel and thus their organizations. Organizations, therefore need an administration that understands its role especially the principles that any manager should follow.

The first principle is the functions of management. There are five functions of a manager namely, planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. A manager must understand all these functions because they help them focus on issues that bring success to the organization (Barney & Wright, 1998). The activities of any organization depend on how well the manager performs the five functions. For instance, if a manager plans, organize, lead, and strategically implement their activities, the organization is likely to excel.

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The second principle is the types and roles of managers within an organization. Every organization ought to have different types of mangers with different specific roles. This makes up an organizational structure. Usually, the structure has front-line, middle, and top managers then the CEO follows. Every great manager should be accountable and take responsibility for their tasks. Mintzberg (1989), in his model, identified three major roles of managers in an organization. One of them is a decisional role that focuses on mangers making informed decisions. The second one being interpersonal involves managers being figureheads, and the third one is informational which focuses on the dissemination of information. 

The third principle is the effective management of resources. (Ashford University, 2019), argues that the allocation of resources where they will make the most impact is the most imperative thing in any organization. Resources in an organization involve employees, money, and assets. Employees should be allocated duties according to their level of skills. Likewise, projects that seem to have more profitable returns should be at the forefront when money is being allocated. Also, assets such as machines should be used accordingly to produce high-quality products and services. If the resources are managed effectively, then that is the gateway for the success of the organization.

The fourth principle is applying the four dimensions of Emotional Intelligence (EQ). The four dimensions are self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and good social skills (Moon, 2010). Any competent manager should possess these skills for effective management. Knowing how to relate to employees and fellow managers is key. Understanding themselves, their strengths and their weaknesses is also an avenue for effective management. For example, a manager can spot the abilities of their employee and transform them into profitable actions. By this, organizations will excel through the management.


The last principle is knowing the business. Managers should know close to every business if not all. This means that they should not be specialized in one type but rather all types of businesses (Hill & Jones, 2012). That is typically a competent manager. By this, they will be able to handle any business that comes their way because, within an organization, many small businesses happen. Thus, being all-round is crucial for effective management.

The principles of functions of management and emotional intelligence can be applied in the community health meeting. Functions of planning the meeting, organizing it, leading, and controlling it are vital because the meeting will finally have an impact. The emotional intelligence principle will be applicable in socializing with other members during the meeting. For instance, communicating to conclude on the languages to use. This will facilitate smooth communication which is key in any meeting.


Date:            September 17th, 2020

To:                Director of Community Relations

From:            Junior Director of Community Relations


In effect to the meeting that was held on September 17th, 2020 that I chaired, community leaders argued that there is a need to have health bulletins being disseminated in fifteen different languages. As of the policy of the company, towards the end of the meeting, I announced that our organization is only ready to disseminate important information through English and Spanish languages. However, there emerged chaos in the meeting since 70% of leaders did not agree with that. Nonetheless, I advised that the organization will look into that in collaboration with you and our board of directors and after that, I adjourned the meeting. Therefore, we did not conclude.

I, therefore, recommend that the organization to consider the views of the community leaders because they know best what the community we are serving needs. They stated about having a minimum of fifteen languages in our communication. My take is that this can be possible via written communication in terms of posters or generally outdoor forms of communication. Also, the organization could invest in hiring language specialists marching the communities we serve because the ultimate goal of this health organization is to deliver services to this community. For the organization to move forward, we must strive to meet the needs of the communities across all cultures.

 Regards (Junior Director)


Ashford University. (2019, May 29). 5 principles of great management. Retrieved from

Barney, J. B., & Wright, P. M. (1998). On becoming a strategic partner: The role of human resources in gaining competitive advantage. Human Resource Management37(1), 31-46. DOI:10.1002/(sici)1099-050x(199821)37:1<31::aid-hrm4>;2-w

Hill, C. W., & Jones, G. R. (2012). Strategic management: An integrated approach. Cengage Learning.

Mintzberg, H. (1989). Mintzberg on management: Inside our strange world of organizations. Simon & Schuster.

Moon, T. (2010). Emotional intelligence correlates with the four‐factor model of cultural intelligence. Journal of Managerial Psychology25(8), 876-898. DOI:10.1108/02683941011089134