Financial cash flow determination methods
Implications and applications of financial study require various approaches to determine particular aspects. Regarding economic evaluations and valuations of assets, there are a number of tools or approaches that practitioners must employ to obtain relevant information and statistics that can be used to gauge or determine the position of a firm among its competitors in the market platform.
Similarly, in finance time is a key factor that must be properly analyzed and evaluated to ensure that a positive result is achieved through management. This will require the use of software for data analysis that will enhance performance and timeliness in determination of such econometric values. STATA is therefore, the ideal software that can be used in analyzing technical data from various sources financial values. Time-series econometrics models are very necessary in dealing with financial accounting. This implies that the amount of output will be determined by time take to raise a single unit of a product or service based on its financial spending. Example of a stata code that can be used in the econometric analysis is scatter y x if x < 10.