Employment Practices

The best choice of a business organization I would choose to work for is HubSpot Company. The company is highly rated and accredited for developing and marketing numerous software products for inbound marketing, sales as well as customer services. Products and services offered by the company are regarded to be significant and explicit in providing tools for managing customer relationships, social media, managing content as well as offering paramount customer support for small and medium businesses (Jennifer, Dec 12, 2019). Additionally, HubSpot offers a wide alley of consulting services and online resource academy mandated to improve inbound marketing strategies as well as hosting group conferences and controlling certification programs for businesses. Globally, employees sought HubSpot for numerous opportunities it presents, justifiable salaries and workers enjoy an attractive environment to execute various duties.

The most preferable job position am interested in is Partner Operations Specialist which is in control of guiding customers through software setup, tool training, and planning campaigns targeted to successfully satisfy the client’s needs and want (Jennifer, Dec 12, 2019). Also, Partner OperationsSpecialist encompasses interactions and engagements as well as assisting partner teams to solve issues entailing to the system and owing cross-fictional projects aimed at improving internal efficiency. Additionally, the position enhances experiences that strengthen and influence relationships thus ensuring customers enjoy brands and products offered by the company through sharing ideas and opinions on better ways to serve the clients. The position offers salaries ranging from $15-$22 per hour adequate to meet specifications dreamt by employees and motivating them to employ maximum abilities to offer the best services (HubSpot Company Profile, July 8, 2020).

The position requires applicants to have paramount knowledge and 1to 3 years of experience in support, systems, and analytical roles to ensure clients get deliverable services that retain relationships and establish concrete bonds with customers. Strong communication abilities and analytical are essential for the job position to ensure customers complain are worked upon and solutions employed as well as ensuring the company is aware of the various changing treads for adaptability and ensuring it maintains competition for her counterparts(HubSpot Company Profile, July 8, 2020). Vast experience in using CRM for tracking and managing customer interactions in the company as well as fanatical attention to details are required to forecast sources of revenue and ensure productivity. Also, a degree in B.A. or B.S is required to showcase the experience required to work in HubSpot.


I believe the HubSpot Company offers opportunities for professional growth and development through analyzing and identifying qualified leads, communicating with prospects, and seeking new business opportunities. Also, understanding market trends and maintaining competition in addition to promoting customer satisfaction and loyalty ensures professional development in the company. Additionally, the company uses highly advanced and innovative technology for developing brands that ensure a better future for workers as they can track which changes to employ and better ways of handling customers (Jennifer, Dec 12, 2019). Working for HubSpot presents a lifetime opportunity and is a dream that comes true for employees due to better working conditions and good salaries attracting applications globally.

Being the most highly-rated organization for offering exquisite products and services, HubSpot Company possesses enticing compensation and benefits for her workers. Salaries are satisfactory and the hourly rates encourage many workers to continue offering professional assistance to grow the company. Additionally, employees benefit from well-established insurance policies such as health which is paramount in ensuring employees’ wellbeing is cared for. HubSpot strives to maintain employees’ stay through giving paid vacations and leaves as well as formulating retirement saving plans for workers which ensures them a better stay at home during their retirement period. HubSpot Company is the best to work and I will embrace every opportunity to join to develop a career as a partner operationsspecialist.


Jennifer, L., (Dec 12, 2019). “These are the best places to work in 2020, according to employee reviews”. Make It, Glassdoor Publications. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/12/11/glassdoor-the-10-best-companies-to-work-for-in-2020.html

Retrieved from, “HubSpot Company Profile”. Craft (July 8, 2020)Craft

Steenburgh, T. J., Avery, J., & Dahod, N. (2009).HubSpot: Inbound marketing and web2.0. HBS Case, (509-049).