Birth Plan
Every birth is a unique occurrence, and the process can be both psychologically and physically strenuous. Mother needs to communicate their wishes on whom to care for them during labor and birth. A birth plan helps pregnant women be informed about various options available during labor. It is a tool to let the people involved know and understand the preferences of the pregnant woman. Since this case concerns my first delivery, I would engage physicians in understanding my birth plan, which will include having a vaginal delivery in a nearby hospital, accompanied by my husband and my mother.
Most expectant mothers are not aware of their pregnancy immediately; therefore, I would prefer to consult a physician to tell me how to go about the process and confirm whether I have any complications that may affect my unborn child. I would talk to the physician about my preferences of giving birth, which includes having a virginal delivery, and confirm what he thinks about my labor options (Geddes, 2021). I prefer to deliver to the hospital nearest to my home. There are several facilities around with quality healthcare services, and I do not desire to travel far from my relatives during the delivery. I am also facing some fears that the physician will help overcome through assurance and clarifications. Besides, prenatal care and relevant assessments will ascertain I am in good condition to deliver through my preferred delivery method. I will request my mother to help me buy all the necessary items needed in preparation for the newborn.
I prefer my birth companions to include two people. The first one would be my husband, who wants to stay with me and see our baby born. The second companion would be my mum in that the fact that she had four children, she is conversant with most practices and procedures. Besides, my mum understands and is aware of the kind of support I want, such as massaging and helping me change the position intermittently. Finally, I would love a personalized environment with cool music and enough lighting for me to see what is happening. I prefer few medical interventions such as External and Internal electronic fetal monitoring or oxytocins to induce labor contractions (Geddes, 2021). I prefer not having an episiotomy or use forceps and like natural tearing only. I will try managing my pain with just gas and air as long as possible. I would also prefer relaxation and massage to cope with labor pain. During labor, I would like to be provided with enough water to keep me hydrated during and after the whole process.
I prefer a vaginal delivery since I do not need to go back to the hospital weeks after the delivery for post OP appointments. Besides, I feel that I would be able to recover more quickly from labor and birth through virginal delivery. I would love my baby to be placed on my abdomen right after birth. This is one thing I really desire so that I can create and enjoy the benefits of skin-skin contact with my newborn (Geddes, 2021). My husband and I are not rooted in any culture and traditional rituals and prefer donating our baby’s cord blood. I like breastfeeding my newborn as soon as he is born; however, I would use bottle feeding if I have a problem. I want a lactation consultant to come and advise me concerning feeding newborns (Geddes, 2021). During all this time, I would like the baby to be with them all the time. I would also like my husband and me to discuss any medical procedures before administering them to our newborn.
In conclusion, I am planning to deliver my newborn to a nearby hospital. I look forward to expert advice from a physician regarding my health and preparation for the birth and understanding of my birth plan. I would also like my husband and mum to come along since I do not want to be separated. I want to keep my newborn all the time beside me in the hospital bed. Unless there is an ultimate need or a serious health complication, I plan to have a vaginal delivery.
Reference Geddes, J. (2021). Birth Plan Template: What to Include in a Birth Plan & Sample Birth Plan. What to Expect. Retrieved 29 September 2021, from