a compassionate community
Are we a compassionate community – is a royal commission or a human right report enough?
Currently, the Australian community has been hit by COVID-19 like the rest of the world. Among the pandemic interventions, the prime minister has advised that indigenous and non-indigenous adults over the ages of 50 and 70 years respectively should strictly self-quarantine (Harris & Hunter par.1,16). The prime minister directives reveal the cultural misappropriation between the two populations, which prompt concerns whether the Australian community is compassionate, and whether the royal commission or a human right report enough.
In this essay, I will explore the contemporary issues that reveal social inequality between the indigenous and non-indigenous communities. That way, I will analyze the level of compassion for one another, and the implications of the royal commission or a human right report. In that, I will investigate the role of social groups in protecting vulnerable communities from immoral and ethical abuse, recognition and perception of change, and the societal role in combating abuse of power.
I chose to use expository writing in a third-person language so that I can critique the information available through analyses, and reference it appropriately. Persuasive tools such as logos will help in expounding the meaning of cited data, and utilize pathos to evoke emotions concerning the implications of lack of compassion. Also, I will appeal for compassion, in the end, using ethos. I intend that both the general Australian community may read and understand my work, to impact a societal paradigm and possibly change on the power differential among indigenous and the counterpart population.
The purpose of this essay is to depict the Australian community as inadequately compassionate to a vulnerable population, to appeal for a societal change. The government, through the governance toolkit, mandates the responsibility for protecting vulnerable groups to charity groups. In a recent High Court case, the court found that one can be an Australia and not Aboriginal, and vice versa (Hartcher par.3). Besides the Sarah reports that the number of complaints regarding elderly care increased hundredfold after the closure of nursing him in 2018 (par.5). Karp & Murphy reports that advertisements from the Institute of Public Affairs appear strict about the misrepresentation of Indigenous voice to parliament (par.1). The three issues reveal the lack of compassion in the Australian community, despite the Human Rights reports indicating the prevalent cultural misappropriation 9Kenneth par 15-18). Unfortunately, the Royal Commission’s report 2019 reveals that there are no specific strategies in the Australian community to express compassion for the underprivileged communities (Royal Commission 284). That depicts the inadequacy of the royal commission or a human right report in combating adverse issues affecting vulnerable people in Australian community. Hence, there is a need for a strategic paradigm shift and enhancement of compassion for the vulnerable communities, by the charity groups and other human rights actors.
Works Cited
Harris, Rob, and Fergus Hunter. “Elderly Australians Told to Self-Isolate at Home, Outdoor Gatherings Restricted to Two People.” The Sydney Morning Herald, The Sydney Morning Herald, 29 Mar. 2020, www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/elderly-australians-told-to-self-isolate-at-home-outdoor-gatherings-restricted-to-two-people-20200329-p54f1g.html.
Hartcher, Peter. “First Peoples’ Triumph or Two-Edged Sword?” The Sydney Morning Herald, The Sydney Morning Herald, 14 Feb. 2020, www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/first-peoples-triumph-or-two-edged-sword-20200214-p5410a.html.
Karp, Paul, and Katharine Murphy. “Liberals Front Institute of Public Affairs Ad Attacking Indigenous Voice to Parliament.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 30 Oct. 2019, www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2019/oct/31/liberals-front-institute-of-public-affairs-ad-attacking-indigenous-voice-to-parliament.
Martin, Sarah. “Complaints about Aged Care Double in Four Years, Prompting Calls for More Funding.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 14 Nov. 2019, www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2019/nov/15/complaints-aged-care-double-four-years-funding.
Roth, Kenneth. “World Report 2019: Rights Trends in Australia.” Human Rights Watch, 7 Jan. 2020, www.hrw.org/world-report/2019/country-chapters/australia#2c9b66.
Royal Commission. “Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking …” Royal Commission, financialservices.royalcommission.gov.au/Documents/interim-report/interim-report-volume-2.pdf.