Correlational and Experimental Studies

In social sciences, study design varies from one study to another depending on objectives and contexts. Researchers design studies in such a way that they compare variables and come up with an optimal conclusion or predictions. Usually, the process entails the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data also called research design. The study on effect sleeping hours on performance is correlational, while the study on trustworthiness is experimental.

First Study

In the animated study, the goal is to find the relationship between the hours of sleep per night and the performance of samples. Notably, the variables in this study are the number of sleeping hours and the performance of individuals in a standardized test (Course Video). That means the performance of samples would determine the influence of sleeping hours on productivity. Such a study is termed as correlational research.

Correlational research is designed to discover the relationships between two variables, so that future practices or studies can make predictions (Andrews, Crone, Cholka, Cooper & Bridges, 2015). In this study, one group sleeps eight hours a night, while another sleeps four hours a night. They are later subjected to a standard test after one week. The performance of both groups may be used to make conclusions concerning the implications of the length of sleep on productivity (Course Video). For instance, sleeping a few hours lowers productivity or otherwise.

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The Second Study

In the second study, Zak endeavors to distinguish between good and evil people (Course Video). In his research, he utilizes the attribute trustworthiness against money to identify good, or else evil. Therefore, in this study, the dependent variable is money, while the independent variable is trustworthiness. Using neuroeconomics principles, Zak measures the level of oxytocin in the brood to analyze how much money would impact the level of trustworthiness of an individual.  

Such a study is identified as experimental. That is, it entails an initial comparison of variables, followed by manipulation of another to measure the influence of the manipulation on the initial comparison (Andrews, Crone, Cholka, Cooper & Bridges, 2015). Zak explains that the experimental research design utilizes the dependent variable to explain the dependent variable (Course Video). In this case, trustworthiness and social connection may correlate, but precise data is obtained by manipulating the amount of oxytocin on the blood to identify at which amounts a person may or may not be trustworthy. Besides, the levels of oxytocin would help to define an individual’s personality partially, hence deem them good or evil.

To sum up, the first study is correlational, while the second is experimental. Correlational research is designed to discover the relationships between two variables, so that future practices or studies can make predictions. An experimental study encompasses initial comparison of variables, followed by manipulation of another to measure the influence of the manipulation on the initial comparison


Andrews, A., Crone, T., Cholka, C., Cooper, T., & Bridges, A. (2015). Correlational and experimental analyses of the relation between disgust and sexual arousal. Motivation And Emotion39(5), 766-779. doi: 10.1007/s11031-015-9485-y

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