Effective Communication
“Communication is a management tool, which intends to establish good interpersonal relationships…, to increase the level of skills…of employees” (Bucăţa, and Rizescu 50). Other studies have found that communication plays a crucial role in brand development (Laud and Johnson 246). Therefore, people may manage their gaining of skills and relevant knowledge through communication to grow professionally. Currently, communication is one of the differential strategies in job interviews. Somewhat better communicators are likely to make better teammates and increase organizations leaders. Organizations prefer hiring people with effective communication skills because such individuals develop healthy interpersonal relationships, increase engagement, foster flawless messaging, and thus increase productivity.
Such communication skills often foster managerial trust in an individual, from which they get promotions or appraisals. Since effective communicators can deliver information convincingly, they end up in leadership roles or influence operations. Unlike people with ineffective communication, effective communicators are seldom to cause confusion or team immobility. For instance, effective communicators clearly explain the mission and vision of the organization to their colleagues, to keep them focused. That way, effective communicators are rise through leadership hierarchies or succeed in their careers faster than people with ineffective communication. Hence, effective communication is a catalyst for professional growth.
Works Cited
Bucăţa, George, and Alexandru Marius Rizescu. “The Role Of Communication In Enhancing Work Effectiveness Of An Organization”. Land Forces Academy Review, vol 22, no. 1, 2017, pp. 49-57. Walter De Gruyter Gmbh, doi:10.1515/raft-2017-0008. Accessed 6 June 2020.
Laud, Robert L., and Matthew Johnson. “Upward Mobility”. Career Development International, vol 17, no. 3, 2012, pp. 231-254. Emerald, doi:10.1108/13620431211241072. Accessed 6 June 2020.