Emotional Intelligence
Question 1
Emotional intelligence skills comprise the ability to comprehend and regulate one’s emotions. These qualities have been related to various advantages, such as academic accomplishment, judgment call ability, and general life effectiveness (Serrat, 2017). Some professionals believe that emotional intelligence is more important than intelligence(Wilmot & Hocker, 2017). The 19 things emotionally intelligent people do result in physical health, mental well-being, conflict resolution skills, and success. Thinking about my feelings, pausing, demonstrating humility, showing empathy, commending others, apologizing, forgiving and forgetting, helping others, knowing when to relax and recognizing the power of emotion are the things that I often do. Controlling my thinking, learning from “emotional hijacks”, practicing honesty, being authentic, embracing diversity and keeping my commitments are things that I sometimes do. I never do things to tell good stories and safeguard myself from emotional manipulation.
Question 2
Self-awareness and self-management are two features that I have developed. Multiple times, my friends have made me angry over the circumstances that required them to choose between them and me. When you can only choose one option, who to benefit, them or me, they choose themselves. In these situations, I got angry with them for what I thought was being ‘selfish’. After thinking about it, I put myself in their shoes and found out that I could only do the same thing as they did. Empathy helped me accept, forgive and forget about these incidents. I thought about my feelings, controlled my thinking, showed empathy forgave and forgot, and it worked.
Question 3
Practicing honesty has been sometimes quite challenging on my part. At some point, I have not been honest with my parents and friends. Either because I did not want to look weak, I wanted to prove that I am a good person to cover up my mistakes in our relationship, and in the end, they ended up being frustrated and angry after finding out the truth. My lack of empathy prevented me from resolving these conflicts. Being authentic and honest about the situations could have helped me resolve the conflicts.
Serrat, O. (2017). Understanding and developing emotional intelligence. In Knowledge solutions (pp. 329–339). Springer.
Wilmot, W., & Hocker, J. L. (2017). Interpersonal conflict. McGraw-Hill Education.